A few weeks ago, after finishing my book, I decided I needed to see something else than the screen of my laptop... And do a little more exploration of the area where we live. Since we arrived in the US, there wasn't much time to do that...being caught in day to day life, Managing the Change/Transition process of what actually means to live here.
So spontaneously, we picked a spot on the map, that was close to us, and had direct access to the ocean. Asbury Park here we...came. The photo above and the one below, shows a bit of the life right at boardwalk.
To be perfectly honest, the vibe I got there, when we arrived, was just WEIRD. Right when you enter the boardwalk area, there is a burned building, I don't know what happened there, or if the weird vibe comes from that, but definitely this place has something strange in it. Right when we left (I don't know how I find them...) I discovered the masonic lodge hall. And then I wasn't surprised anymore...
I won't deny that is has a very nice town center, clean with a bit more European air, and probably a lot of wealthy people live there, but also decaying neighborhoods.
The above buildings, are probably some new additions (tourist accommodations) to the existent Hotel situated across from them and directly at the shore. Asbury Park is mainly a seaside Resort from what I've gathered. But that doesn't mean that people who live here live off of tourism alone. There are those who prefer the serenity of living here than the toxic environment of a big City like New York for example.
A little bit more of the boardwalk area. Which I assume, it has been recently modernized.
And of course...a little bit of us...haha. Anyhow, I have filmed a few bits here and there, which I will edit, and post it on my vlog channel.
Until next time, be kind to yourself and others!
text/photo © 2015 Ana-Maria Theis
Write a comment
Raluca (Wednesday, 05 August 2015 18:59)
This area looks typical american ... like we used to see in the movies when we where kids. It seems lifeless so it doesn't surprise me the vibe you got..anyway it's good you 2 are exploring the american territory :)..Enjoy your staying there :)!
anamariatheis (Thursday, 06 August 2015 04:19)
well...it does. But we discovered another place, relatively Close from here which is nicer. And more alive. And has a better vibe. Thank you, we are enjoying it...when we can..hahaha
Emilia (Friday, 24 June 2016 16:30)
Sunteti foarte draguti amindoi,va sta bine impreuna ! Sa nu va dezlipiti niciodata unul de altul !!!
anamariatheis (Friday, 24 June 2016 18:59)
@Emilia: Multumesc frumos!!! Salutari de la oceanul Atlantic. De pe cealalta parte...hahaha. :)