The PARADOX of Limits

We've arrived at the end of a SPECIAL year. With so much transformation, and things that have defied the odds, and broken the limits and barriers of this dying reality making space for the NEW ONE to gently, yet firmly, take form. It hasn't been easy... Yet, the inner (individual/collective) work has been THAT THING which has made all the difference. Without challenging all those hidden, DARK CORNERS inside ourselves, none of it would have been really possible.

I still can't believe I've witnessed such an incredible, surreal day...

Funny thing the LIMITS... Because without them, CREATION wouldn't be possible. None of what we see around us, what we call: things, nature, people, etc., couldn't and wouldn't have existed.

    Why, you might ask? The answer is quite simple. Because a LIMIT is merely a DEFINING Element. A very important one. A LIMIT is what holds in place a CONCEPT, an IDEA, and ultimately is what holds in place FORM. It's what contains them.


    It's indispensable to experience CREATION, to experience IDEAS/CONCEPTS. 

    Without LIMITS/CONSTRAINS there would be just the experience of PURE, ENDLESS, UNDIFFERENTIATED  POTENTIAL.  

Window into ANOTHER World... Into a magical, fairy-tale realm...

Becoming an architect, it helped to understand this, the role of LIMITS/CONSTRAINS. Which had been long before this became a TRUTH I'd experienced from the inside out. Ever since I was a child, I had discovered that I was good at ABSTRACT. There had always been a need inside me to make an idea become something concrete. To give life to it. ALWAYS. Even when I played pretend, whatever I did, I tried to make it as real as possible. Otherwise, wasn't satisfying. Otherwise, it simply didn't feel REAL to me. 

    As an architect you understand that the SHAPE/FORM you design, generates a very specific type of experience. You realize that any line you draw helps to shape a SPACE. Not just a physical one, but an internal one. It shapes the emotional and mental SPACES of the Experiencer. All this, makes you aware of the power and control you have over the type of EXPERIENCES/SPACES you (want to) create. It instills in you an even greater sense of responsibility toward the REST.

It was a day, when everywhere I looked, I saw MAGIC. Effortlessly...

However, as anything, any FORM/SHAPE (physical or mental) is temporary. Once all the learning has been extracted, it EXPIRES. It's no longer needed. And if not discarded, transformed or transcended, it creates problems. As it blocks the natural flow of energy. It creates pressure which generates STRUCTURAL DISTORTION. So those initial defining Limits/Constrains that hold in place a STRUCTURE, become LIMITING. That's the paradox.

    Because things are the way they are...this PARADOX is highly common, which translates into all sort of problems that humanity currently experiences. It's expressed as outdated/dis-harmonic/limiting political, social and religious structures, as well as distorted individual Faces of Source. Of course, at the root of everything is/has been the lack (the massive loss) of energy which froze higher/better options/solutions. Which now, fortunately, all that changes. Especially, for those that choose the NATURAL EXPANSION of things.   



until next time, be kind to yourself and others, ;-)



text/photo © 2017 Ana-Maria Theis

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Comments: 4
  • #1

    Raluca Joy (Friday, 29 December 2017 22:45)

    Everything you said and wrote here was beautifully expressed and shaped as light form.
    So grateful for sharing all these magical experiences/photos with us. Indeed, you've entered into another realm of fairy tale..our favourite stories/movies since we were kids :).Magic was/is all over ...And yes I totally understand and agree with the paradox of limits. But the way you've put it into words makes it more understandable and easier to comprehend. So a big : THANK YOU <3!

  • #2

    anamariatheis (Saturday, 30 December 2017 00:57)

    @Raluca Joy,

    Hello Raluca!!! First of all, thank you for getting it!!! ;-) Yes, the magical realm was/is our favorite and natural state!!! And Magic is everywhere. All the time. One just has to open to it.;-) As for explaining things, I'm all about efficiency and CLARITY. But you already, know this...haha... Words are alive, and when we understand that, we can bring real magic in the "lower" realms. Big hug back and lots LOVE from me, ALWAYS!!!

  • #3

    Lucien del Mar (Friday, 05 January 2018 10:25)

    Hello Ana!

    "However, as anything, any FORM/SHAPE (physical or mental) is temporary. Once all the learning has been extracted, it EXPIRES. It's no longer needed. And if not discarded, transformed or transcended, it creates problems. As it blocks the natural flow of energy. It creates pressure which generates STRUCTURAL DISTORTION. So those initial defining Limits/Constrains that hold in place a STRUCTURE, become LIMITING. That's the paradox."

    I LOVE this one.... Happy new year's! :)

  • #4

    anamariatheis (Saturday, 06 January 2018 01:16)

    @ Lucien,

    Hello Lucien!!! Thank you!!! Happy New Year to you as well!!! ;-)