We live through TRULY EXTRAORDINARY TIMES. And good and bad, are both included in the mix. What is taking place at this very moment, is an important DEMARCATION Point. Certain uncomfortable TRUTHS can't be denied anymore. They just showed up as if unannounced, yet, they were foretold, only to be ignored continuously by most until now.

We've reached a point in the Unfoldment (or Energy Accretion) where the CHANGES are past beyond the INDIVIDUAL and encompass now the entire planet/reality. And at a first glance, it all seems to be difficult to digest.
TRUSTING in dark times (although, these are not really dark, or as dark as they could've been) is the hardest. To trust Source that even the weirdest, the most ridiculous things that show up in one's life (now in the life of basically everyone)...is difficult. It takes PATIENCE. RESILIENCE. It teaches you SURRENDER.
In order to grow in understanding/awareness one must go through the DEMOLITION phase. When you see your life falling apart. All that you worked for, invested time in, persevered in...all will crumble/be taken apart. So you can finally see beyond PATTERNS. So that your mind becomes flexible, and your awareness can see life for what it actually is - Programs/Structures/Systems/etc.
(Out)Growing beyond the pattern YOU inhabit until that moment (and you are not really aware of them) is HARD. It takes a lot of ENERGY/TIME. It's a PROCESS.
The time has come that this particular uncomfortable TRUTH is faced by the entire humanity. Whether everyone is ready or not. Whether you like it or not.
The true way FORWARD is by doing this "unappealing/tedious" work of TRANSFORMATION. You have to find the will to SURRENDER, in order to be molded into Something New. A new form. A new being. A new/higher HUMAN.
Until next time, be kind to yourself and others, <3,
text/photo © 2020 Ana-Maria Theis
Write a comment
Raluca (Friday, 01 May 2020 01:36)
Beautiful blog post & beautiful flowers <3! Indeed, these are extraordinary & necessary times for all of us and trusting seems like a weird thing to do when everything seems to crumble. But, what's happening right now ..I truly believe it was necessary for humanity to change once in for all its direction. Much love to you <3 <3 <3! And, thank you for posting this <3 <3 <3! Perfect timing :D <3!
duon (Friday, 01 May 2020 02:49)
Thank you for sharing your updates they are very valuable for my journey
anamariatheis (Friday, 01 May 2020 04:37)
Thank you duon!<3 Wonderful to hear that!!!<3
anamariatheis (Friday, 01 May 2020 04:40)
thank you Raluca!!!<3 It is/was indeed time...for the next level... As for timing, I just follow Source's guidance. ;-) lots of love and magic back!!!<3 <3 <3
Sophia (Monday, 11 May 2020 20:01)
Thank you!!! So true...it feels like an awful and wonderful time for me :D Great, magical things are happening while I'm also forced to look at the worst. Demolition...perfect word for it. Thank you for reminding us to TRUST.
The colours of the flowers are really beautiful!!!
Sending you lots of love and beautiful new things to explore!! <3
anamariatheis (Tuesday, 12 May 2020 03:05)
Thank you Sophia for stopping by, here as well!!! <3 ;-) Yes, it's one big Contrast/Polarization situation...;-) We are forced to look at the worse, because that's where the transformation/change is needed. And that's not really a pleasant work...No one really wants to get their hands dirty to do THIS work... but it's so IMPORTANT. So valuable... Thank you again Sophia!!! <3 lots of love and color and sunshine ahead!!!<3<3<3
Sophia (Tuesday, 12 May 2020 10:03)
You’re right, it is necessary!! Hard, but it has to be done...
Thank you for your kind wishes!!! Today I feel a little brighter! :)
anamariatheis (Monday, 18 May 2020 23:22)
Indeed necessary!!!�� thank you as well, and happy, magical week ahead!!!���